How Do You Use Time-Blocking in Your Daily Operations?


    How Do You Use Time-Blocking in Your Daily Operations?

    We asked eight CEOs and business owners how they've effectively used time-blocking in their daily operations. From prioritizing planning and clients to improving efficiency and productivity, discover how these leaders leverage time-blocking techniques.

    • Prioritize Planning and Clients
    • Enhance Focus and Collaboration
    • Maximize Team Collaboration Time
    • Structure Work By Time of Day
    • Improve Medical Service Efficiency
    • Streamline Content and Campaigns
    • Coordinate Jobs and Communication
    • Improve Efficiency and Productivity

    Prioritize Planning and Clients

    At my digital marketing agency, we effectively use time-blocking to maximize productivity. We block time for specific tasks, clients, and projects.

    For example, every Monday morning from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. is reserved for planning and strategy. During that time, my team and I review the previous week's performance, discuss new projects, and plan out the week ahead. Having a set block of time ensures we start each week on the right foot.

    From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. daily, I focus solely on financial tasks as our fractional CXO. Checking payments, reviewing expenses, and updating budgets all happen during that time block. Having that dedicated time prevents financial tasks from interrupting other work.

    Then from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., we work on client projects and tasks. Each team member has specific clients and projects assigned for those hours. Having dedicated time for each client ensures we meet their needs and deadlines.

    One tip I would offer is to start small. Pick one or two activities that would benefit most from time-blocking and implement those blocks first. Then expand to additional tasks over time as you get comfortable with the system. Time-blocking works best when you commit to respecting the time limits and minimizing distractions during those blocks.

    Divyank Jain
    Divyank JainCXO, Mitt Arv

    Enhance Focus and Collaboration

    Time blocking has been a very efficient tool for me to enhance focus, particularly during very busy periods. Each morning, I set aside specific blocks of time dedicated to different tasks, such as ‘Answering Emails’ or ‘Deep Focus.’ This scheduled, uninterrupted time allows me to tackle complex issues without distraction and significantly improves the quality of my work.

    Additionally, by openly sharing my time blocks with the team, they can see when I am available for discussions or meetings, leading to a more efficient use of our collective time. As a result, we experienced improved project turnaround times and enhanced collaboration, as everyone became more aware of each other's schedules and priorities.

    Alexandru Samoila
    Alexandru SamoilaHead of Operations, Connect Vending

    Maximize Team Collaboration Time

    In our company, we've always encouraged the practice of time-blocking, as we want to make sure everyone has the space for deep thinking and is not constantly dealing with distractions. One interesting application, however, was during a recent project I was leading, where we decided as a team to block out the same times in our calendars in order to maximize the time that we could collaborate with each other. It didn't necessarily mean that we would be meeting, but it was a time dedicated to the same project where we knew those communication channels were open only between team members.

    The outcome was particularly exciting. Because everyone was working on the problem at the same time, we saw a huge improvement in how effectively the team collaborated, even if some members were remote. Having everyone plugged into the same line of thought meant that even impromptu questions were leading to insightful answers, almost as if everyone's creative peaks were synchronized. This structured approach not only increased productivity during those hours but also led to the successful rollout of the initiative ahead of schedule, demonstrating how intentional time-blocking can yield significant results in complex operations.

    Martin Wild
    Martin WildManaging Director, Kinnovis

    Structure Work By Time of Day

    I try to time-block according to my work schedule for the day. The morning is my most productive time, so I time-block it for the most difficult things I need to complete. I pause all email and Slack notifications during this time so I can focus without distractions. My afternoons are for meetings, communications, and collaborating with my team. Meeting times vary, but I try to keep them within a 2-4 p.m. window. I always use the last 30 minutes of my day to focus entirely on responding to unanswered emails.

    Mathieu Sroussi
    Mathieu SroussiCo-Founder & CEO, SmartenUp

    Improve Medical Service Efficiency

    Every morning, I dedicate a two-hour block from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. solely for reviewing patient consultations and issuing medical certificates. This focused time allows me to thoroughly assess each case without the distraction of other tasks. It ensures that each patient's needs are met promptly and accurately, which is crucial for maintaining the trust and reliability of our service.

    This method has significantly improved our efficiency. Before implementing time-blocking, I usually found myself juggling multiple tasks, which led to delays and occasional errors. Now, with a dedicated time slot, I can give my full attention to each consultation, resulting in quicker turnaround times and higher accuracy. It also frees up the rest of my day for other responsibilities, knowing that the most critical task has been handled efficiently.

    Maria Knobel
    Maria KnobelMedical Director, Medical Cert UK

    Streamline Content and Campaigns

    At TruBridge, time-blocking has been an incredibly effective tool in managing daily operations, particularly within the marketing department. One example of its success was when we implemented time-blocking to streamline content creation and campaign execution. Our marketing team often juggles multiple tasks, from writing blog posts and designing emails to analyzing campaign performance. Without a structured schedule, it was easy for the team to become distracted or overwhelmed by competing priorities.

    To address this, we introduced time-blocking into our daily routines. Each team member set aside dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks, such as two hours in the morning for content creation, one hour after lunch for reviewing analytics, and an hour at the end of the day for team collaboration or responding to emails. By assigning specific times for each activity, we created a more focused work environment, reducing the need for constant context-switching.

    The impact was immediate and positive. Productivity increased as team members were able to concentrate fully on one task at a time, leading to higher-quality content and more timely campaign execution. Additionally, this structure helped reduce stress levels as team members no longer felt pressured to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. Time-blocking also allowed us to better align with deadlines and ensure that high-priority projects received the focused attention they needed.

    The lesson we learned from this experience is that time-blocking not only improves individual productivity but also enhances overall team efficiency by creating a rhythm that keeps everyone aligned with the larger goals. It has become a fundamental part of how we manage our daily operations.

    Sandra Stoughton
    Sandra StoughtonDirector, Marketing Operations, TruBridge

    Coordinate Jobs and Communication

    At Ponce Tree Services, time-blocking is a crucial part of our daily operations, especially when coordinating multiple jobs in different locations. For example, we dedicate the first block of the day to site assessments and planning, ensuring each crew knows their specific tasks before heading out. Another block is reserved for team meetings to discuss safety protocols and address any equipment needs. We also block off time in the afternoon for customer follow-ups, ensuring we maintain strong communication and relationships. This structure keeps our workflow efficient and our customer service top-notch.

    Amaury Ponce
    Amaury PonceBusiness Owner, Ponce Tree Services

    Improve Efficiency and Productivity

    Time-blocking has been a critical tool in my daily operations, helping me stay focused and maintain high productivity. For example, when I was scaling my telecommunications business, I blocked specific hours each day for different high-priority tasks like strategy, client meetings, and internal team development. In practice, this looked like allocating a strict time for strategic planning, where I turned off distractions and focused solely on long-term business growth. I would then dedicate another time to team engagement, ensuring that any recruitment- or performance-related issues were addressed in a timely manner.

    This level of discipline ensured that I was not constantly shifting between tasks, which drastically improved efficiency and output. Time-blocking is something I now teach all my clients, as it keeps you focused on what moves the needle in your business.

    Ronald Osborne
    Ronald OsborneFounder, Ronald Osborne Business Coach